Pammin is a service, which helps investors to manage their investments in the PAMM Accounts. PAMM technology has a great potential of trust and asset management, but investors need tools to analyze the PAMM Accounts and to manage risks.
Today Pammin includes an advanced rating of the PAMM Accounts, the rating of PAMM Portfolios, created by investors, the portfolio designer and tracker to create and manage your own portfolio of PAMM Accounts. Every day we are working on the development of the service, to provide investors the opportunity to profitably invest in the PAMM-accounts.
In our rating you will find public PAMM Accounts of the of the best traders and managers. Rating will help you to make the initial selection of the PAMM Accounts on the basis of important indicators. You also can invest in the chosen PAMM Account or create a portfolio.
On the PAMM Account page you can examine it in detail: the analysis of trade statistics, the parameters of the trading system, public proposals, etc.
The page contains tabs «Stats» with the trade statistics, «Monthly» with a bar graph of monthly return, «Proposals» with the manager’s terms for investors and a special tab «Declaration», which provides a formal description of the trading system and advices for investors.
You can analyze performance statistics for different time periods, using the commission for your investment amount.
Diversification and risk allocation is an axiom in high-risk investments, such as a Forex. For this reason we have a tool for creating portfolios of PAMM Accounts.
More than 1,000 investor’s ready-made portfolios are published in our rating of portfolios. That they appear in the ranking of portfolios.
You can choose any one you want ready-ranking portfolio and invest your money in it.
Portfolio Designer will help you to create the appropriate mix of PAMM Accounts.
In the designer you can aggregate statistics of the PAMM Accounts in proportion to their shares. The historical chart shows the result of the portfolio, which would have an investor who invested in the appropriate proportion of the PAMM Account on the day of the beginning of the calculation.
To create your own portfolio, you also can copy a ready-made portfolio of other investors.
Support our project, joining our Affiliate Group
Pammin is free for everybody. If our service is useful for you, we would be grateful if you help us in response to maintain and develop Pammin. All you need is to join our Affiliate Group.
How to join Pammin Affiliate Group*:
When you register on Alpari website enter our Partner ID: 1201946 (an example).
When you open a managed account specify our Partner ID: 10212605 (an example).
Thank you for your support!
* An Affiliate Group corresponds to the official Partner Program terms and conditions of Alpari.