Invest in

Manager PAMM-Account Amount Horizon Goal Risk
$ mo % ($3568) % ($1416) 
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How to invest real funds?

Invest in PAMM

All the operations with real money are carried out through the Alpari broker. In order to invest in the PAMM acoount you should open an investment account and transfer there money from your personal account.

The minimal investment amount is $10 or 10 euro.

1. Register with the broker and replenish your personal account.

2. Press the «Invest real funds» button.

The page of creating and replenishing of an investment account on Alpari will be opened. (see figure).

3. Enter the amount you are going to invest in the PAMM-account.

4. Choose your personal account from which money will be transferred.

5. Click «Invest».

Once the request is executed, funds will be transferred to the PAMM-account and will become involved in trade.

You will be able to monitor profit in your personal cabinet at Alpari in the «Investments in PAMM-accounts» section.


A new portfolio

In Portfolio there total data on investments in PAMM-accounts are calculated. This is a virtual portfolio, but real money can be invested in it at any moment.

How to enter the amount?

You can enter total amount and distribute it evenly, reversely to the risk (the higher the risk, the lower the amount) or proportionally to the current distribution.

Or you can enter an amount for each account and re-count portfolio performance. The minimum amount for each account is 10$.

Portfolio performance

According to the entered amounts cumulative portfolio data are calculated — an average return and the highest possible drawdown. Graph shows the net return of notional investor who deposited these amounts on the opening date.

What is the plan for?

Plan is your expectations of a profit and possible loss. To have reasonable expectations, the plan should be calculated basing on historical performance. Profit on Forex is a probabilistic value, thus the goal can be used only as a guide. Risk is a limit, showing that it’s time to leave the account. Later the plan will become a good guide for estimating the state of your investments

Recommended values are pointed out in the plan by default. Change them only if you are confident in your estimations.

What happens after saving a portfolio?

After saving the portfolio requests for funds depositing will be automatically created. As soon as they are executed, you will be able to monitor profit in the portfolio and compare it with the plan.

Virtual and real investment

This is a virtual portfolio, which simulates real investment. To invest real money, open an account with the broker and invest appropriate amounts in the PAMM-accounts of the portfolio.

Support our project, joining our Affiliate Group

Pammin is free for everybody. If our service is useful for you, we would be grateful if you help us in response to maintain and develop Pammin. All you need is to join our Affiliate Group.

How to join Pammin Affiliate Group*:

When you register on Alpari website enter our Partner ID: 1201946 (an example).

When you open a managed account specify our Partner ID: 10212605 (an example).

Thank you for your support!

* An Affiliate Group corresponds to the official Partner Program terms and conditions of Alpari.