All portfoliosBest portfoliosAggressiveConservativeNew portfoliosFavoritesInvestors contest
Chart | Portfolio | PAMMs | Invested* | Period | Return | Net Gain* | Drawdown | Calmar | Last day | |
vadim13234:pf18619 (warlock279 (Dec 10, 2016)) |
1 | $100 | 7,9 y. | +75% | +$75 | 19% | 0.03 | 0% | ||
VALERIY:pf13253 (Дубль USD-1 (10 000$) (Oct 14, 2014)) |
23 | $2,109 | 2,8 y. | +15% | +$1,073 | 13% | 0.03 | +0.6% | ||
Regnarts:pf9641 (Army Of Two (May 30, 2013)) |
1 | $322 | 11,4 y. | +81% | +$726 | 18% | 0.02 | 0% | ||
romnik:pf13108 (Высокий доход, 1 000 $ на 3 мес. (Sep 23, 2014)) |
1 | $1,858 | 10,1 y. | +264% | +$5,919 | 49% | 0.02 | 0% | ||
Van_Mo:pf18014 (AAA (Sep 12, 2016)) |
1 | $512 | 8,1 y. | +35% | +$453 | 15% | 0.02 | 0% | ||
Sedoi:pf16906 (Первая звезда (Feb 21, 2016)) |
1 | $474 | 8,7 y. | +25% | +$172 | 22% | 0.01 | 0% | ||
NikMurashkin:pf17447 (Оптимальный (May 27, 2016)) |
1 | $27,721 | 8,4 y. | +14% | -$156 | 19% | 0.01 | 0% | ||
sochianton:pf13886 (Надежный-4 (Dec 8, 2014)) |
1 | $266 | 9,9 y. | +8% | +$20 | 30% | 0 | 0% | ||
AquaFan:pf13396 (Nov 3, 2014) |
2 | $973 | 10 y. | +10% | -$7 | 41% | 0 | -0.2% | ||
mindesb:pf17052 (ByManagerAmmount (Mar 17, 2016)) |
1 | $1,493 | 8,6 y. | +4% | -$100 | 24% | 0 | 0% | ||
Kantor:pf21684 (Заново Стабильный (Nov 16, 2020)) |
1 | $902 | 3,9 y. | -3% | -$195 | 19% | 0 | 0% | ||
will0210:pf18780 (Will0210 (Jan 8, 2017)) |
2 | $3,222 | 7,8 y. | -7% | -$366 | 19% | 0 | -0.1% |
Found: 12
Portfolio is a collection of several PAMM-accounts between which your investments are divided. Any user can create and publish a portfolio. Investor’s portfolios are presented in the rating.
Portfolios rating — experience of other investors. You can study, what others are investing in, the amounts and horizons of their investments. In the rating you see how successful investors act and how much they earn on PAMM-accounts.
Return and drawdowns are considered taking into account all replenishments and withdrawals made by the owner since the day of portfolio creation. This is investor’s net profit.
Some investors have only virtual portfolios and do not make real investments. In this case, profit and investments are virtual as well.
You can simply invest in a portfolio of another investor without creating your own. In this case you need to invest in the PAMM-accounts of the portfolio in proportion to the amounts that are already invested.
Go to the portfolio page and click «Invest». Next to each account there will be a direct link for the opening and replenishing of the investment account with the broker. It’s enough just to follow each of the links in turn and invest specified amount. Do not forget to register on the broker’s website preliminarily.
You can create your own portfolio on the basis of someone else’s. Open the portfolio and click «Copy». All the PAMM-account s of a portfolio will be automatically transferred to a new one, belonging to you. You can specify your own amounts and change the composition of the portfolio.
What is an investment account?
Deposit and withdrawal options
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Pammin is free for everybody. If our service is useful for you, we would be grateful if you help us in response to maintain and develop Pammin. All you need is to join our Affiliate Group.
How to join Pammin Affiliate Group*:
When you register on Alpari website enter our Partner ID: 1201946 (an example).
When you open a managed account specify our Partner ID: 10212605 (an example).
Thank you for your support!
* An Affiliate Group corresponds to the official Partner Program terms and conditions of Alpari.